As a landscape and travel photographer, it makes sense for me to organize my photos based on locations. If you’re a portrait or wedding photographer, you might choose to organize your catalog around sessions or dates. There is no right or wrong way to organize things, and it will likely change over time. The way you organize your catalog will depend on many factors, including which genre of photography you choose, who you’re shooting for, and how you have your computer hardware arranged. How you use Lightroom is entirely up to you, and it’s unlikely that two photographers will use it the same. If you so choose, you can use this one piece of software to upload, rename, keyword, review, edit, export and organize your photos. You may also know that its photo management features are pretty impressive. It’s known as the industry standard for photography post-production, especially when paired with Photoshop. You likely know Adobe Lightroom as a powerful piece of photo-editing software.